Friday, July 30, 2010

Substitution(s) and well wishes

Things happen. People go on vacation, interns complete their internships, etc. So we've had a few substitutions to the original roster.

  • Sarah Burchfield will join Preston Smith on team Lethal Weapon H4B (she really really really wanted to play)
  • Riley Grant completed her internship (she wrote an's below) and will be replaced by Andrea Conigliaro on Team Bender with David Raia 
"Today is my last day as an intern here at Chelsea. I just wanted to thank you all for a great summer and for being so helpful in my learning process. It has been wonderful to work with and get to know all of you. All the best!"
Antony Wu is going on vacation for 3 weeks! May have to find him a replacement...but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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