Thursday, July 15, 2010

Official Foos Rules

Yes - there are rules for the tournament. And here they are...

  • Coin flip to choose sides or get possession of the ball
  • Midfield players must have legs down when ball is put into play
  • First team to score 10 goals wins 
  • Each team is allowed two 30-second timeouts 
  • No spinning! The opposing team will get possession of the ball
  • Dead ball (brought to life)
    • Between two-figure rods gets an automatic restart on the side where the ball died
    • Behind two-figure rods, ball gets softly pushed (by hand) into the nearest corner
    • Straight restart if in the center
  • No bodily harm to the opposing team. Automatic red card.
  • No instant replay
  • Spectators may not touch the table while a game is in play and must allow adequate room for participating foosballers to play
  • All referee decisions are final

Please see the full Rules of Play located in the side pocket of the foosball table. These rules came with the table, so they're pretty much as official as they come.

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