Thursday, August 19, 2010

Delay of game

Things are busy here at Chelsea. Official foosball games have been hard to come by. We're still waiting on the round one game between Team Bender and Bamfoozled to be played. That's right - ROUND ONE.

But then it's just a couple of quarterfinal games, followed by the two semis, ending in the grand finale.

Patience is a virtue, right?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quite the quarterfinal!

Alliteration aside, the first two quarterfinal games have been foos-doozies (sorry - couldn't resist).

Game 1: A can of Wu-Paz (they practice alllll the time) went up against Jozy and the Altidores, who proved to be a far more formidable opponent than Wu-Paz assumed. Tom has a sick shot that cuts across that table and into the goal more often than not. And Edgar might seem all nice and "we're just here to have fun", but nooooo. The kid's got bite.

Ups and downs, ins and outs, this crazy game was tense from the beginning. In the end they were tied at 9, but A can of Wu-Paz got the game-winning goal to end take it 10-9.

Game 2: It started as a "hey, we're here - let's play" game, and turned into a nail biter. The picture doesn't really do it justice. Generations of Foos vs. Lethal Weapon H4B (aka Butch Burchfield and Sundance Smitty) brought their best to the table. Generations of Foos looked nervous at times, but came out on top with a final score of 10-7.

When will the other two quarterfinal games be played? Your guess is as good as mine.